
Your Generosity Helps Us Love-Grow-Serve Responsibly

Thank you for your interest in supporting Hope Church financially.

Father God is an incredibly generous, giving God! He has blessed us all with so much. [James 1:17] Amazing… we get to steward, to wisely manage some of His stuff!

We are discovering that Bible Principles about practicing generosity, tithing to the local church, giving our time, treasures and talents ensure that we invest our lives in something eternal and life transforming. Giving to your local church is 110% worthwhile, and it mirrors God’s heart! 

We’ve also observed that when people love money, they tend to use people; but when they love people, they tend to use money! Money isn’t the root of all evil! The Bible says our love of it is! The way we give it power over us and priority in our lives is the problem. 

Regular, thoughtful giving, assessing how we spend our well earned time and treasure really helps to keep our hearts soft, it keeps our attitude towards money in the right place.

If you would like to invest in Elim Hope’s ministry – thank you – thank you so much!

You can give to Elim Hope Church in a number of ways,

  1. BACS Transfer – Acc No. 27951472 Sort Code:- 60-05-16 Acc Name :- Elim Hope Church (/ Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance)
  2. You can give in person during the Church Services with Cash or Cheques to:- Elim Hope Church